About This Bloggymajigger

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic I got bored and started playing poker again.  Follow me on my journey back to glory, or breaking even, maybe breaking down….  Who knows!

Back in the day… playing in WSOP PLO8 event in 2009

What are we doing today?

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Top 5 Poker Tips

This morning I was thinking about my poker goals for the year. Should I set a goal of $50,000? A hundred grand? What if I’m nearing my goal and I’m in a big tournament. Could Read more…

Foggy Brain Sunday

I am quitting sugar Last week I found out the owner of Red Bull was a Trump supporter so I quit Red Bull and replaced it with my old favourite, Coca-Cola. However, I couldn’t think Read more…

Let’s see how this goes!

It’s 5am. I can’t sleep. Why don’t I get up and start a blog about poker and other stuff I get up to. Here is the plan, you get insight in to the daily grind Read more…

Get in Touch

Don't be mad at me if I hit my lucky draw

Find me at the grind station

Only Chuck Norris finds me.  Wouldn't that be cool!

Give us a ring

Please don't, I have my phone on silent unless I'm expecting dad to call after Everton mess up.  Use the form just over there I will answer in an untimely fashion.

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